About Adele

My background: 

This year I turned 52 and have I been teaching fitness classes for 33 years.

At age 19 I took my RSA/YMCA Exercise to Music Teachers Certificate which ,at the time was a year long college course and  after qualifying I then began teaching Fitness classes all around the Midlands area.

Shortly after I left college I was offered a job as a ‘Fitness Assistant ‘ at Hereward College in Coventry where I worked alongside the Physiotherapists and  Head Fitness Trainer teaching students with all kinds of physical and learning disabilities from Spinal injuries to Cerebral Palsy ,Spina Bifida, Down syndrome and amputations.

It was a steep learning curve for me as an Instructor but one that was incredibly rewarding.

Instead of working with people concerned with losing their ‘spare tyre or wobbly bits’ I was actually making a difference to people who couldn’t even walk,  stand up or lift their arms properly .

I decided this was what Health and Fitness should be about …not making us ‘look‘ a certain way , but about getting the very best out of our bodies by keeping us mobile, strong, balanced , moving , and fully functioning for life .

In 1997 I moved to Phoenix Arizona and worked part time as a Gym Instructor for a while , but became increasingly frustrated with the fitness industry’s obsession with vanity and image .

Here I met 2 amazing Yoga teachers, one who was classic Iyengar trained  and the other was Ashtanga trained and I began studying with them and quickly fell in love with Yoga, the way it made you feel  great in your own skin. It just made you feel good.

I moved back to the UK in 2000 and completed my British School of Yoga Teachers Diploma and began teaching classes whilst working part time as a Veterinary  Nurse.

I qualified in several other Yoga & Fitness Qualifications during this time, including Budokon Yoga Teacher training , Freestyle Fitness Yoga , Kettlebells , Bootcamp and as classes got busier, I took the plunge , left the Vets and set up my business ‘Fitness and Yoga with Adele‘.

I then became aware of a incredible Fitness Educator & Coach called Dax Moy and I went on to learn more about the body and its ‘Systems’ and how they all interlink and affect one another .  I then added Corrective Exercise/ Kinetic Chain Assessment Specialist / Body & Mind Mapping amongst other skills to my now growing obsession with ‘How the Body works‘ and how we can make it work better.

I believe I have created a completely unique form of ‘Yoga/Fitness experience.

In my classes we work on all the elements of a properly functioning – healthy body, including mobility , balance , strength, stability , flexibility, bone density , co-ordination, pelvic floor health , sensory systems  and much more .

 I truly believe the better our body works , the better we will feel  and therefore look .

My classes are open to all abilities as I always offer numerous teaching points to every pose and offer easy and harder options so you can work at your pace.

I can adapt any pose to safely suit any ability and try to teach in a way that you learn to do the poses yourself , without always having to rely on a teacher for adjustment and guidance . This way you can create your own Yoga practice and adapt it to your bodies own needs.

I would love you to come and join me and see how good you can start to feel in your own body .

Have a great day !

Adele James

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