What to expect from a ‘Yoga With Adele’ class :
Not All Yoga is the same . Every teacher has their own unique way and there are many different ‘Styles’ of Yoga, so the chances are if you have tried Yoga and not fallen in love with it yet , then you simply need to try another style.
During my 31 years as a Fitness Professional I have invested a lot of time and money in continuing my education in all things related to health & fitness and have studied and trained with some great coaches including Dax Moy, Cameron Shane & Cherry Baker .
I have also attended numerous workshops and seminars with some renowned teachers including Mark Freeth, John Scott, Howard Napper, Phil Richards, Jon Le-Tocq, Brian Grasso and Carrie Campbell , to name but a few.
I have learnt a lot from all of these amazing people and include what I learn in my classes.
I often get asked ‘What kind of Yoga do I teach ? ‘ …the simple answer is a fusion of many.
Over the years I have studied several ‘Styles of Yoga’ including basic Hatha/ Iyengar / Budokon and Ashtanga and incorporate all these styles into my classes.